
Sunday, March 29, 2009

If I Had Just One Wish

If I had one wish it would be for a 3-day weekend every weekend. It seems on Saturday there is always family obligations (ex: birthday parties, clothes shopping, house cleaning ect.). And on Sunday I have to get all the grocery shopping, still cleaning (yes I clean almost every day...I have 3 messy kids!). I wish I had just one more day to spend resting. Yes I am sure this day to would become full of To-Do's.
We had alot of fun this weekend. T cut his first tooth, but does not like anyone looking at it. I will post a pic as soon as he allows me to take one! We had Colby's 1st Birthday on Saturday. On Sunday I got up early and went grocery shopping, the store was EMPTY! It was great. I love going when it is quiet (I actually caught myself singing to the store music a few times) and the grouchy ladies aren't trying to get you to hurry up. I did good at Kroger this week, I saved 47%!! I am proud of myself. After the store I made T's food for the week, Frank got a hair cut and I went to CVS (saved 98% there!) and Walgreens (saved 55% there). After a 2 hr attempt to get Miss Lily to take a nap, I decided it was a lost cause and took her to Lowe's with me.
We went to get some flowers to plant in a pot to put on the back porch, we came hoem with alot more. Every time a turned around I had 3 more things in our buggy and Lily kept telling me "we need lots of flowers mommy" We ended up with Red-tipped Photunias for the backyard along the fence, 3 Gerbera Daisy's for a planter in the front and a Asiatic Lily for the back porch. Of course while we are shopping we had to take a trip to the potty and Lily announces while we are in there, "Mommy your big booty is coming off the potty." Thanks Lil!
So overall it was a good weekend, not so restful, I guess that is what tomorrow is for...oh nope, tomorrow is laundry day :(


  1. It's funny how we have to schedule time to rest! I'll vote for the three day weekends!

  2. I totally LOL reading Lily's comment. Gotta love her =) I agree, when is Mommys day of rest?

  3. LOL that is a great comment. Remind her of that after she has 2 kids LOL
