OK I have been informed (by someone to remain nameless) that I am the worst blogger EVER! I know sometimes life just gets us sidetracked. So I thought I would give a quick update to all of this interested.
Lily: Miss Lily is doing GREAT, she is so smart (sometimes too smart). She is very into swimming and has informed me (because she usually does not ask) she needs swimming lessons this summer. Which is great because she is completely fearless. We are having so much fun on our break before summer session starts. Next week she will be in Austin with Grandma and Grandpa, hope they can keep up. Lily is very proud of her garden (although mom does all the work). Ask her about it sometime, but make sure you have about 30 minutes, she is a talker!

Thomas: Oh my can this baby get any BIGGER??? He is growing like a weed and is a very active little boy. He has started pulling up and toddleing around objects, but once he is up he is scared to sit down! He loves playing with his sister (mostly going into her room) and getting into things Mommy doesn't think he should have! We still only have 2 teeth, but it is not slowing us down we eat everything mommy, daddy and Lily have for dinner.

Mommy & Daddy: We are doing well, Frank will be taking a trip to Amarillo & Roswell in July to see a friend. We are taking Miss Lily to see Dora Live in July (but shhh dont tell her).
Duncan: Cant forget Duncan, he is good. Thomas loves to play with him, usually his tail which I find disgusting, but Duncan just takes it in stride!
I promise I will make an effort to blog more often.
Whew! I've been wondering how life at the Nieto house was going :)